In the Woods


Until last week, it felt like March 59th. But this week the trees have started leafing out properly and the quince is about to explode in blossoms, so I feel slightly less pessimistic. Although if the snow predicted for this weekend comes along, I might have to revise that statement. See also: Murder Hornets.

Aside from killer insects and ridiculous weather patterns:

* I’m reading The Old Reliable right now, because I needed a laugh and Wodehouse always delivers on that count. I’m also reading No Idle Hands, a social history of knitting in America, which is absolutely fascinating.

* I planted sweet pea, radishes and snap peas this past weekend and the radishes are already poking through. I also started shallots and pumpkins indoors. Gardens are strange, wonderful and frequently maddening. But there’s nothing like seeing little bits of green to give you a sense of hope.

* I’ve been watching The Mallorca Files lately and so far, am loving. It’s a witty tale of an odd couple cop duo, set on the sunny Spanish island of Mallorca. Also, now I really want to visit Mallorca.