Hunkered Down


Four months in and 2020 is already making my (and I suspect your) head spin. What a strange, strange few weeks. Life here isn’t too radically altered and for that I’m very grateful. I’m still working, drawing, painting, stitching. I’ve walked more the past month than I have in eons. And I’ve done plenty of stress baking: four loaves of soda bread, one batch of hot cross buns, two cakes and a couple dozen cookies. I suppose it’s a good thing I’m walking far more — gulp! I do miss friends and family though (especially my 93 year-old-grandmother). But this too shall pass, right?

And I’m tentatively planning to do some sort of live drawing demo. on Instagram or Facebook in the not too distant future. I tried last week to set up for that, but discovered that balancing a camera on a stack of books just isn’t the way to go, especially if you’re a highly accident prone individual… So more on that later!

Beyond that, I’m slogging through the end of Little Dorrit, binge watching Gardeners World and knitting this cardigan.

Stay safe + be well!