Croquet Conundrums


I’ve been watching Frankie Drake lately because it’s fun and fluffy and #januaryblerghjanuary. The end result is all I want to do now is draw 1920’s costumes. A few years back, I used to participate in vintage reenactment events. Think LARP-ing, but for history nerds. I sewed most of my dresses, learned to enjoy a good G&T and developed passable swing dancing skills.

But the one thing I could never manage was croquet.

It wasn’t for want of trying. It seemed de rigeur for anyone attempting to time travel to the ‘20’s. But no matter what I did, I could not manage to get that blasted wooden ball through even the first wicket. The day I finally admitted defeat was liberating (see also: driving stick shift and making pancakes). So no more croquet for me, not then, not now, not never.

Unless I’m drawing the wretched sport. Then, I’ll make a concession.